My reserve of fun things to do is running dry. And by dry, I mean it’s more like a desert. It’s getting tougher and tougher to find things to do on the weekends when we’re at home. Well, we are going to throw down some ideas and jazz up your weekend! Dig out some old cloths or rags and make...blindfolds. Really, I do mean blindfolds.
Baking and blindfolds you ask? Surely you’re not serious! Well, I am serious, and don't call me Shirley. Sure, not everyone is the best at it, but we can read instructions pretty well. Now here is where we make it interesting, take your spouse/kids/dogs and blindfold them. Have all the baking materials they need to make cookies or any other delectable treats and read them directions. See how well your creations turn out, it might surprise a good way? Sure, it might get messy and might taste a little funny, but the main thing here is having fun! **With this one, you can even do this via video call and include everyone!** Like the first, we’re BLINDFOLDED. Well, not at first. Set up an obstacle course in your house or yard and move your furniture, create jumps, things to balance on, and things to crawl under. Heck - have LEGO traps if you stray from the course! Let them run through on their own or guide them, don’t let them peek~ for a harder challenge do it backward! (Photo courtesy of Teach Preschool) Unfortunately, this one isn’t *exactly* blindfolded, but still an activity without you seeing what’s going on! If you haven’t seen it yet, it’s feeding your pet/kids/spouse while hiding under their shirt or directly behind them. Mix it up by putting make-up on each other and see the beautiful results! We’d love to see your videos or pictures of what you end up doing, post it below, or tag us! (Photo courtesy of iStock) Even while we’re stuck inside, we can always think of new ways to keep ourselves entertained, right? Blindfolds make for an excellent way to jazz up regular tasks, like baking, eating, or putting on makeup. It can even make tough things, like an obstacle course, hilarious! If you, or your friends, try any of these tag us, share with us, and spread the fun and stay safe!